Friday, October 23, 2015

Turning Point

It's time to pull this blog off the shelf and dust it off.  This summer has marked a turning point for Micah with twists and turns and new challenges so I'd like to start sharing his story again.

 I stopped blogging for lots of reasons mostly time related.  If I made a list of all the things you would be tempted not to believe me.  Mostly, however, Micah leveled off for quite a while and managed to find some independence, a girlfriend, and a home of his own.  I moved to the background as far as his day-to-day care was concerned and with his permission moved on to other projects like my other kids, the Donald Hazelnut Festival board and planning committee member and helping care for my husband's mom who had been diagnosed with dementia.  Those are different stories not meant for this blog.  This blog is about Micah.  So here we go... I'll write as often as I can.

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