Tuesday, June 12, 2012

G-Tube Surgery

Micah had surgery to put in a feeding tube this morning.  It went very well.  We were reassured that it's a very routine  surgery (we knew that) and they do them all the time.  But of course it's not routine to us and Micah went in fairly anxious.
But now he's recovering back in his room with the aid of some morphine and after some time and rest (and more morphine) he'll try a tubefeeding later today.  The pain is still significant at this point.

He will have to stay for at least a couple of days to make sure everything is working like it's supposed to. Then they'll add a regular diet and make sure he does well with that before he can go home.

The look on his face during early recovery seemed to contain several emotions.  But mostly he seemed to be protecting his incision and looking upset like "this isn't what I thought it would be like".  I have to assume it would be a little freaky to have a port in your belly. Don't you?

I'm sure you have questions.  I did. Feel free to ask.


  1. Looks like he has a tube hanging. Will they soon make it a button port?

    1. As a matter of fact, they have. We're still mastering doing the tube feeding at home. But we're getting there.

  2. Does micah really not mind you posting his personal business all over your blog and facebook? i understand having to get your feelings out but it shouldnt be at your sons cost. Very sad about whats happening to him tho,

    1. They are a close family if you know anything about them at all. What an impotent and mean-spirited person you are.

    2. I'm glad you asked. I knew not everyone would understand my intent with the sliver view a blog offers into our lives. Rest assured - Micah is well aware of the blog and while I have told him I will write whatever I feel the need to write. He knows it exists. I remind him of it regularly so he can go read it and let me know how he feels about it. He rarely does and doesn't seem worried about it too much. And as for the pictures - I always run those by him first. But people need to see some of the hard reality too - not just the smiles.
      Knowing that I could write something that would make him angry generally keeps me from getting too personal. But 'personal' is completely in the eye of the beholder, and as far as I'm concerned the only beholder I'm really worried about is Micah.
      Now, as for the intent of this blog - it is to raise awareness. Awareness about Micah's disease, his experiences and what it's like for him, and his family to deal with the fallout of something that takes over your life. Ultimately I started writing because I need help. Micah's situation is too big for me. If getting his story out there creates a connection in some way to someone else who wants to love on Micah and give to him in word or deed the things I cannot then this blog has accomplished it's goal.
      I am regularly asked about Micah's condition and I'm surprised at how much misinformation is out there by people I would have thought would understand it better just by being a part of our lives. So I write... as often as I can (and with shorter posts on facebook when time is too precious to blog) in the hopes of clearing up the lack of information and finding Micah a bigger network of love.
